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How To Find A Good Mentor

FindAMentor’s purpose is to help you find a mentor online. We can help you get a mentor –- no problem. If you’re wondering, how can I find a mentor for business, or maybe you’re wanting to know how to find a professional mentor of a different kind or thinking how to find a personal mentor. You’re in the right place. Sometimes I like to search for a mentor near me. Whatever your desire, we can guide you on how to find a successful mentor in many aspects of life. FYI: This site is primarily about helping find a mentor for adults.

There’s a shortage of people volunteering to be mentors in almost every mentoring organization. Are you thinking, I want to become a mentor, or I want to be a mentor? We can guide you on that as well, and we will show you how to find a mentee.

Because of the mentor shortage, we are giving you another option for how to seek mentorship. It’s called masterminding. We help you create a mastermind group. A mastermind group is two or more minds coming together for a common objective. Napoleon Hill says, “When two or more minds come together, a third, invisible intangible force likened to a third mind is created.”

Mastermind groups can be almost any configuration. A common mentorship mastermind group is a mentee and a mentor. You might have one mentor and four mentees. You might just have four mentees. All of these types of mastermind groups can work.



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FindAMentor can help you do a mentor search so finding a good mentor is easier. What’s the best way to find a mentor in your field? FindAMentor can show you.