A mastermind as defined by Napoleon Hill is when two or more people come together with a collective objective.
When this happens “a third invisible intangible force likened to a third mind is created.”
Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of the world’s most successful people of his time on the principles of success. He wrote their success principles down and shared them with the world in many books. The concepts came from people like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, Andrew Carnegie, Gandhi, and many others, all of whom declared the mastermind principle was one of their keys to success. Hill included chapters on the mastermind principle in each of his many books.
At FindAMentor we see mentoring as a form of masterminding. Its two people coming together with the common focus of helping the mentee improve in his/her abilities, skills, knowledge, etc. Both benefit from the small mastermind group of two. I’ve heard mentors say they learn as much in the process of mentoring as the mentee.
Two or more peers can mastermind the same way in a peer mentoring environment and receive benefits.
You can use our service to build mastermind group in an aspect of life, or work, that you all want to become great at. We think the best size for a mastermind group is 4- 5 people. We think a mastermind group should schedule regular meeting times, whether they’re weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
We all have masterminds in our lives to some degree. They are formed unconsciously in friendships, families, with co-workers, etc. How are your masterminds working for you? Do some of them require adjustments? Do you want to be part of a new mastermind group?
You can expand your mastermind groups where needed. We can help. Take responsibility, take action and find new masterminding partners. Create or join a new mastermind group.
Be a mentor or find one at FindAmentor.com. Thanks for reading.
FindAMentor Team